Waiting Lists

Waiting Lists

Many groups in Godalming are operating at or close to full capacity. This means unfortunately it isn't always possible for every young person to join a group straight away.

You may need to join a waiting list before your child can start at Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts or Explorers.

How do the waiting lists work?

Once you're on a waiting list, we'll keep hold of your details and let you know once a space opens up for your child to join.

When you register, we'll ask you to say which group you'd like to join from our groups across Godalming, Milford, Witley, Busbridge and Farncombe. If you're on a waiting list for a group, but a space becomes available at a different local group where there isn't a waiting list, we'll get in touch to find out if your child is ready to join that group instead.

Why can't more people join?

We're always trying to open up more groups and sections to give even more young people the opportunities to get involved.

But our biggest challenge is finding enough adult volunteers to help. You can speed up our waiting lists by offering volunteer with Godalming Scouts.

How to join a waiting list

To register your child to join scouts, please use the forms linked below. We'll then pass your enquiry on to volunteers in the group you choose.

If spaces are available, they will be invited to try out scouts. If the group is full, they will add your child to the waiting list.

Frequently asked questions about waiting lists

What happens if my child is still on the waiting list when they become too old for a section?

If your child is still on the waiting list to join when they become older than the age range for a section, we'll automatically move them to the waiting list for the next section up.

What if a Group has closed their waiting lists?

Sometimes when there are too many people on a waiting list, a group may decide to close the list and prevent new people being added.

This is because once a waiting list reaches a certain size, it becomes very unlikely that people who join the list will ever be able to join.

However, you may still be able to join a different group or be added to a different open waiting list where it's more likely your child will be able to join in the future. Submit the registration forms if you'd like to find available spaces or join the waiting list.

Can I sign up my child before they are born?

Please wait until your child is born before signing them up to any waiting lists.

What if I submitted a joining enquiry on scouts.org.uk?

Joining enquiries made on scouts.org.uk go to the same place as the enquiries which we receive from this website. You only need to send a joining request once.

How can I remove my child from the waiting list?

Please get in touch through our contact page if you'd like to be take off of the waiting list. If your enquiry has already been passed to a group, speak to the leaders to remove yourself from the list.

Who manages waiting lists?

Groups and Godalming District Scouts work together to manage waiting lists. We work together to ensure that we're able to offer spaces at other groups to young people on waiting lists, to make sure that as many people can experience scouting as possible.

Register to join Explorers

For 14 - 18 year olds

Register interest →
Register to join Scouts

For 10½ - 14 year olds

Register interest →
Register to join Cubs

For 8 - 10½ year olds

Register interest →
Register to join Beavers

For 6 - 8 year olds

Register interest →
Register to join Squirrels

For 4 - 6 year olds

Register interest →
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Registered address: District Scout HQ, The Burys, Godalming, GU7 1HR  Registered in England and Wales, Charity no. 305704